Wednesday 25 February 2015

What Song Is This From ? Best Ways to find the Song Music Name Free

Posted by Unknown
Hey guys music and songs has become a part of our life and more importantly we come over numerous songs which we've never heard of.Most of the times you find it difficult to know what song is this or what is the name of the song or from which Album, Movie it does belong to.Its totally legit to be curious to know name of any good song you've heard and liked it.So, I decided to write a guide which describes how to find any song name and you can definitely find what song is this.I will be listing out some of the most useful services websites on Internet which may help you to find any name of song without knowing anything related to it like Name of artist, Genre or Lyrics.
Most of the times you find good muss know to you or the ones you already heard and have idea about name,artist of the song.Sometimes when ever you listen any know song whether your siting in a Restaurant or driving through good times.Your ears may just glance over few lyrics of any beautiful song.Some songs are tough that you might not even understand the lyrics but feel how good is the song.SO, here is the solution to find such songs without even knowing the Artist name,song name,Lyrics name with just few simple steps.So, just follow my below steps.

Know What is That Song

What Song is this
Can I find What's the name of that Song? Without knowing the artist or Lyrics - Using Google or Bing
To be frank Google or Bing both can never find you name of that song for sure.You will turn ages around find the name through manual searching and listing to other ones when you can't even find the one your looking for.

1. Find What Song is this from

Do you want to know with song you were listing to and want t have it on your smartphone.Then follow below step.
a. Shazam 
Shazam is a intelligent music recognition software.It is an function stable and quick stylish music app with really quick understandable interface.You can use Shazam to find and recognize music on your Android, IOS , Blackberry, Nokia S60 smartphones easily.Best part is that this wonderful app works perfectly on both IOS Iphone and Ipad if your having external microphone. 
Know What Song is This
The only thing you have to do is Install Shazam on your smartphone for any OS.Then open your shazam app and keep it closer to the music audio source and immediately click tag button which enables shazam to identify the song or music using the received clips.It is to be noted that Shazam works perfectly with pre record audio clips rather than live ones.SO,m you cannot find song name using live performance.
Link for Shazaam is Here 
Shazam is available for free for Android, IOS , Blackberry and Windows Phone.I can only say that it has very easy interface like ABC making it very simpler to use.There are two versions of this app the free one can tune up to 5 songs and premium one costs around $5.
b. MusicID
Music ID which is abbreviation for Music identifier app developed for Android, IOS,Blackberry and Java mobile operating platforms.It is music recognition and lyrics app firstly released for IOS OS and was later released for Android OS.You can use your mobile phone like Iphone, Ipad, Blackberry or Android smartphone to identify the music you hear on Radio, looking up lyrics, songs , Artists, biographic and even many more sources.All i can say is that this app has no limits to find your music and lyrics together.SO, have a look at how this app works exactly to find you your song.
Link for MusicID is Here
You have to hold your smartphone or Iphone near to the music your listening from Radio or other sources and this app will name the song which is being played.MusicID is a free app for all mobile OS now.You have to make sure that you are listening to record music but not live performance.

2. Find What is That Song

Haven't you ever tried to find song names using your own voice.It might seem hard to you but its never hard for these apps to find the name of song when you sing through them.
Midomi is live web app and mobile app which uses your voice when you sing through microphone and helps you find the music your want to tune upto.Most of the times you might be tuning any old song or the ones you have recently heard.SO, you will be very curious to find that song name.You can find the name of song using your own voice with help of Midomi app.
What Song is That
Midomi also allows yo to play the short recording of the song or tune and will find the name of song using this alternative method.
Link for Midomi is Here
Midomi is now available for IOS ,Android, Nokia OVI and Windows Phone too.Just go over market places and search for this awesome app and install it on your mobile.It is a paid app which ranges differently on mobile OS but its price on Itunes is $6.99.

3. Record a short Clip and identify the music

Songs are all over world with music humming over your lips.Some songs deserves to be with you forever spite their sweetness and melody tunes.Its harder for anyone to find any song but when you have a record clip of that song then you can easily find the Artist  and song name within no time.
A. AudioTag
AudioTag is a music recognition robotic app for web and Mobile operating platforms.It is really an amazing source to find song name using record audio clips.So, let me show you how it works.You will have to go their official website AudioTag and then  hit on the Upload button if you have the recorded file on PC or else put any specific URL in their bar and click on proceed button.
Link for AudioTag is Here 
Now AudioTag will exactly look over for the song in their database and will give you best suitable results for audio clips put in.Most of the times its preferred to take middle clips of songs.This is an easy way to find  songs on your mobile or web when you online.

4. Identify Music with help of Humans

Did you try all above sources and apps I've mentioned and had no good luck with the machines at all.Then why don't you take help of humans to find the name of that song.Surely humans might have some idea about the songs which failed even the machines.
A. WatZatSong 
WatZatSong  {What's that song} is a social music community and one of the biggest music community you can find.When computer apps and machines based on Internet have failed you then your last hope is Humans.WatZatSong is human based community where you can upload MP3 format of the audio clip or tune.After uploading the clip, humans from around glove will try to listen and then answer suitable results for it.
Link for WatZatSong is Here
Here is an quick how to for WatZatSong to find that song your looking for.Firstly you will have to go to WatZatSong and sign in.Then click on Post a Sample button and upload yourself humming tune of song or MP3 clip of that song.As soon as you click on post.You clip will be made available to their entire community and users will try to give results.This is such a beautiful community helping thousands of people daily and you can be one of them now.
B. Name My Tune
Name My Tune is another human social music community which is free to join.You will have to record the audio clips or you can record yourself humming it on microphone.
Name this tune
After recording is done submit the clip to their website.Then select the Genre and Era you think it fits and post it.They will send you an email notifying the name of song when other people are able to recognize the song you posted.
Link for NameMyTune is Here
5.  Use Virtual Keyboard to find the Song name
A. Musipedia
Musipedia is a open music encyclopedia  which is a searchable, editable engine with collections of lots of tunes, melodies and musical theme over decades.They offer different search preferences according to your needs.
Link for MusiPedia is Here
Name That Tune
Find the song by playing the tune of song you know using their virtual piano and let them find t the song name.
Music Search
You can use search based on Melody, Pitch, Rhythm and  Melodic Contour.You can use their flash based piano, JavaScript based piano or whistle it using computer microphone.
Other search features are Contour-based, Rhythm and SOAP based searches.You can use any of them and find the best results for the song name.
B. MelodyCatcher
Melody Catcher is a wonderful tune matching  source you can ever find.You can use their virtual keyboard and play the tune your looking for and Melodycatcher will identify the name of that song.They have a very good looking which is rather a simple virtual java based keyboard and you have to use your Mouse to type the tunes and play them.It will look for similar melody throughout the web and come up with results.Best part is that you don't have to enter the whole tune or melody just 5.-7 tunes are enough.
Link for MelodyCatcher is Here

Even after trying all those Above Links, If you Still can't Find the Tune or Song Name please leave a comment below in the comments box we will get back to you as early as possible.Also Share this article with your friends and help them know how to find a song name.


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